Count Your Blessings Canvas
Have fun painting and decorating this striking Count Your Blessings Canvas.
You Will Need:
- Blank Canvas
- Wooden Butterfly Shapes
- Watercolour paints
- White acrylic paint
- Glue
- Ribbon
- Coloured Card
- Paintbrush
Step 1- Paint your canvas using watercolour paints, blend as you go to create a multicoloured effect.
Step 2- Using black watercolour paint, paint the outline for the words ‘count’ and ‘your’.
Step 3- Use scrap paper to create a template for the card that will have the word ‘Blessings’ on, trace onto and cut this shape out of the card. Write out the letters and note that between the two ‘S’ letters is the centre point and work your way out to spread the letters evenly. Glue to the canvas.
Step 4- Fill the ‘count your’ letters in with white acrylic paint and paint the letters for ‘blessings’. Once this has dried, paint the letters for ‘blessings’ if it needs more emphasis.
Step 5- Fold the ribbon into a leaf and stem shape, glue and folded points and glue onto canvas.
Step 6- Position your butterflies where you would like them and glue them onto the canvas.
Made by Angela Stead