Hanging Tissue Paper Flowers
Hanging Tissue Paper Flowers
You will need some:
- Tissue paper (4-5 sheets per flower)
- Ribbon or nylon string.
Step 1- Fold your tissue into a concertina length ways (you will need at least 4-5 sheets of tissue to get a full flower)
Step 2- Trim the ends into circles or points depending on which you like best.
Step 3- Take your ribbon or nylon string and cut a small length and tie in the middle of the tissue paper concertina. If you wanted to make multi coloured flower lay a second tissue concertina on top before tying together.
Step 4- Spread out one half of the flower and gently start pulling the tissue paper layers apart, do the same for all the layers on both sides. Rearrange the tissue paper until you are happy with the shape and fullness of your flower.
And then stand back and admire your flower
Why not try making a whole garland of tissue flowers as well as these individual ones.
Made by Sabrina Willcox